But in many cases they continued to have access to the victim and other household victims due to the elders inaction.
just fine
JoinedPosts by just fine
ARC Analysis Summary of Case Files
by Richard Oliver ini have been doing research on the arc as some people on here have suggested.
i find it interesting on the case file analysis some of the findings.
it looks like queensland and new south wales had the biggest problems with this.
ARC Analysis Summary of Case Files
by Richard Oliver ini have been doing research on the arc as some people on here have suggested.
i find it interesting on the case file analysis some of the findings.
it looks like queensland and new south wales had the biggest problems with this.
just fine
For people who were abused by family members or others within the congregation, if the elders knew about it and did nothing to involve the authorities, they were complicit in allowing the abuse to continue. Did you even consider that in a family setting if abuse was stopped by putting the offender in jail other children in the household would not be abused? I find it disgusting that you suggest otherwise.
Not a sympathizer
by Richard Oliver ini think everyone here is under the impression that i am a watchtower sympathizer, i am not.
i just like facts and when people say things, which are their opinions but that facts point out as not being true, than that is when i get so motivated to make a comment.
i have read posts here, listened to six screens and read jwsurvey and seen things that people say, which are opinion, but pass them off as fact.. there are legitimate things that people on here and former jws have concerns over without manipulating what is said or trying to pass off opinion as a fact.
just fine
Being uneducated about a certain topic does not change the facts. Just because someone doesn't know the JWs are a high control group- doesn't mean they are not.
Not a sympathizer
by Richard Oliver ini think everyone here is under the impression that i am a watchtower sympathizer, i am not.
i just like facts and when people say things, which are their opinions but that facts point out as not being true, than that is when i get so motivated to make a comment.
i have read posts here, listened to six screens and read jwsurvey and seen things that people say, which are opinion, but pass them off as fact.. there are legitimate things that people on here and former jws have concerns over without manipulating what is said or trying to pass off opinion as a fact.
just fine
You are asking a bunch of people who had terrible experiences with the witnesses to validate your supposed " good experience". You can see the trouble with that, right?
Some apostates are coming across as crazed psychopaths
by jambon1 ini'm not sure whether or not my view on this is correct so please leave your input.
in recent months i've been viewing youtube videos.
again, it might just be my view but there has been an increased amount of random people grabbing a camera and doing vlogs.
just fine
In my opinion, sometimes people get stuck in the anger part of leaving and never move on. Again, my opinion is take care of getting yourself right, then worry about helping others. It's a long, painful process to untangle yourself from the cult, and sometimes people don't take the time to care for themselves first.
...It Belongs to the Society
by Lostandfound inway back in the 70s around the time when the elders arrangement was new i recall a particular co who tried to replace all the circuit arrangement with young pioneers, in fact he tried to infest all of circuit with youth.
my father in law was removed by this person from his circuit position and that added to the complete disdain even contempt my fil had for him.
my fil was one of a small group that had formed congregation , built the kh with their own funds and where very loyal to the organisation, never commenting or expressing dissent in any form.
just fine
I think the point is - the congregation should decide what is done with the hall they attend and presumably have paid for.
How about a vote by the current members of the congregation?
The problem has been the halls were built by the congregation members, and then sold out from under them without so much as a discussion.
You wake up one morning and see
by A Believer inthe un has banned religion.
what are you're thoughts?.
also changes to it seem to be on the way.... http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2016/12/trump-vows-israel-vote-161224040133216.html.
just fine
That "prophecy" was made up to make people live in fear and have a persecution complex. I can believe I am the Queen, and be happy doing so. It doesn't make it true. -
Can Trump Be Forced To Take A Psychological Exam To Prove His Mental Fitness (Narcissistic Pernsonality Disorder) A Mater Of National Secrui
by Brokeback Watchtower ini'm think with the president having the ability to use nuclear weapons the need for a psychological exam should be a must for world safety because of the very real damage an easily offended narcissist could do if in a narcissistic rage he had access to nuclear weapons.
since he has clearly shown he has all 100% of the signs that he is one,, surely he can be impeached over this even in conservative run house and senate.
i think the united states owes the world that precaution to not let a mad man have access to nuclear weapons.
just fine
Trump isn't exactly my idea of the best president. I wish someone more practical would have emerged. Out of all the things I worry about - this isn't even on the list. I think he talks tough, but is not going to destroy the world.
It will all work out one way or another, it always does. Maybe he will get impeached, or resign, or surprise everyone and do some good, I don't know. But I do know I won't lose any sleep over it. And in 4 years (or less) we will all be debating who our next president will be and their fitness for office.
Talking of 'Old Timers'.....Valis BigTex OnaCruise etc
by ScottyRex inwhat happened to these guys.
i remember chatting and sparring with these guys years ago.
i read on here that onacruise passed away (craig) that was a shame he was a good man, and his ex wife kate.
just fine
I remember all those guys from back when there was the chat functions. Valis really made me question some things. Seems like a lifetime ago.
Can Trump Be Forced To Take A Psychological Exam To Prove His Mental Fitness (Narcissistic Pernsonality Disorder) A Mater Of National Secrui
by Brokeback Watchtower ini'm think with the president having the ability to use nuclear weapons the need for a psychological exam should be a must for world safety because of the very real damage an easily offended narcissist could do if in a narcissistic rage he had access to nuclear weapons.
since he has clearly shown he has all 100% of the signs that he is one,, surely he can be impeached over this even in conservative run house and senate.
i think the united states owes the world that precaution to not let a mad man have access to nuclear weapons.
just fine
Sorry VI but Hilary wasn't a better choice. I was in a evil cult for many years, so I do understand the word evil.
All the talk about blowing up the planet is fear mongering, much like the Watchtower does. Trying to instill a rabid fear of the future, unless we all join the Watchtower err I mean the anti-Trump movement.